Solidarity with Belarus

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Solidarity with Belarus

Message par meluzine » 11 août 2020 17:42

En Biélorussie, des manifestations de masse demandant des élections justes et un changement continuent.
Les gens ont eu à faire avec une police extrêmement violente. Il y a eu un mort et beaucoup sont blessé(e)s.
Il y a besoin de porter attention à ce qu'il se passe, soyons solidaires.

Notre solidarité sera plus forte que la répression !!

Pour aider les gens blessés et les gens qui ont été arrété :

Merci de partager l'information.

Texte et images : ... 67Bj3NnR5P


In Belarus, massive decentralised protests demanding fair elections and change continue. The people are met with extreme police violence. One person was killed. Many have been injured and arrested. We need international attention and solidarity.

Our solidarity is stronger then repressions!

Donate for wounded and arrested in Belarus 👉

Please help us to spread the information with #highlightbelarus

Download Images and texts by the link: ... 67Bj3NnR5P

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Re: Solidarity with Belarus

Message par meluzine » 14 août 2020 11:27

I’m turning to the whole world as a Belarusian citizen. My country is in need of help. Everyone in this world should know what is going on in Belarus to not let this happen to any nation ever again. Lukashenko has been ruling our country for the last 26 years and during this time he managed to humiliate and scary our people to death, so many of us have been talking about him only with windows closed and water open. People have lost their freedom so many years ago. People have lost their culture and their native language with this regime. Their rights and voices have been stolen from them during his terms. Many people were imprisoned for nothing, suffered, tortured and were forced to flee the country. We’ve been tied up so many years in many terms that we almost lost our hope.

However, 2020 has been the last straw. Belarus stopped being the safe place for us. Economic situation remains critical. There is no support during pandemic, as you all know, Lukashenko has been stating that the virus is nothing and people had no choice but to go to work and interact with others no matter what. There is no room for independent media. There is no room for opposition. The strongest candidates were imprisoned or forced to get away out of the country. We are not allowed to speak freely. As per Lukashenko’s late statement, Belarusian constitution is not made for woman and the only function of woman is to give birth to children and be a decoration after all. I can continue listing all these terrible things that we had to experience for a long time, however I have to say that Belarusians had enough of that injustice.

As you all know, Belarus had an election on the 9th of August. Millions people from hundreds cities went out and voted for Tichanovskaya (the only candidate that has been left in that race, who is indeed replacing her husband who was one of the strongest opposition and now imprisoned also). You might have seen all the lines of thousands people in hundreds cities and even in dozens of countries trying to vote for Tichanovskaya, and with all those evidences guess what result have we got? Next morning the electoral commission announced that Lukashenko has won the election with 80% of the votes! The whole world should know that Belarusians have not voted for him! Belarusians votes have been stolen. Belarussians rights to choose have been neglected! Lukashenko is drawing the results of election by himself with his own pen. All independent exit polls show that Tichanovskaya had from 70% up to 90 % of the votes and these data are publicly available, it’s not even hidden information.

We cannot stand it anymore. We cannot live the same way anymore. Belarussians are beautiful, intelligent, brave and honest people, deserving to be heard, who are now on the streets peacefully protesting, calling for their freedom and speaking out against Lukashenko. However, he is controlling all security forces and giving them orders to hurt civilians, to suppress them, to shoot and beat them. His forces are narrow-minded robots, they have been trained for attacking, they are ready to do anything, they’ve been given all green lights for violence. They are no better than fascists. They beat women, old people and children. They use noise bombs, guns, batons and armoured vehicles. They crash cars, shoot people from windows and kidnap civilians at Lukashenko’s command. I’m calling the whole world for help. We cannot let this person continue what he is doing. There is already blood of innocent people on the streets. We can win only by uniting. I’m calling everyone who cares to defend Belarusians. Our nation deserves to live in a country where there is no place for violence, but only for love, freedom and bright future.

Any help would be much appreciated and welcome! What are the ways?

- Share the information, talk to your friends, relatives about it. Make everyone aware of it.
- If you know journalists from different countries, who have tools how to highlight this information in a more efficient way, please share the contacts with us!
- There is a channel on Telegram platform in English, which you can follow and get the most actual updates about the current situation
- There is also a possibility to donate money to help victims and their families. Thousands of people are now in hospitals and prisons. If we don't win, they will face prison terms of up to 5-15 years , just because they were on the streets engaged in the peaceful protest, showing no violence at all, singing songs, supporting each other, demanding democracy and free election.

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Re: Solidarity with Belarus

Message par meluzine » 14 août 2020 16:40

Le son de la révolte en Biélorussie !

📣 CALL FOR DJ'S! This song called "I Want Changes" was released in 1989 by soviet rock band KINO when it was time for changes in the Soviet Union. Now it's time for changes in Belarus and this song bacame on of the symbols of protests against falsified president elections. Please play this song at the parties or on the radio and show your support and solidarity with belarussian people! Please share this with your friends DJs!

"Changes! - our hearts demand
Changes! - our eyes require
In our laughter and in our tears
And in the pulsing of our veins
Changes! We are waiting for changes!"

Kino est un des groupes de rock les plus populaire de l'Union sovétique. Contestataire et populaire !!

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Re: Solidarity with Belarus

Message par meluzine » 24 août 2020 0:59

Manif de masse à Minsk ce Dimanche. Devant le parlement, la foule crie "Dégage !".

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Re: Solidarity with Belarus

Message par meluzine » 07 sept. 2020 10:42

Hin hin hin :lol:

A granny kicking cops became a national hero : ... n-belarus/

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Re: Solidarity with Belarus

Message par meluzine » 10 nov. 2020 21:45

Quelques news de Biélorussie..

Hier il y a eu 1500 arrestations...

Voici un interview de Jędrzej Nowicki publié dans Gazeta Wyborcza, un des seuls journaux quotidiens potables en Pologne.
Il présente son projet, Blizny (The Scars), un livre docu illustré par des photos qui revient sur les trois mois de manifestations de masse.
(en polonais, utilisez un traducteur en ligne, je conseille Reverso qui est pas mal.)

Il y a aussi un projet de photographes qui vendent leurs clichés pour soutenir le mouvement pro-democratie.
(C'est cher et ce ne sont pas uniquement des photos de Biélorussie.).

Today marks three months since the beginning of massive protests in Belarus. And we're finally online with my photo-essay "The Scars".
It tells the story of the first month of Belarusians' brave fight for freedom.
With so many mad things happening around let us not forget about their peaceful struggle.
Only yesterday 1500 protesters were detained in the capital.

Link to the article:
Interview by: Michał Nogaś for Gazeta Wyborcza
Editing and production: Beata Łyżwa-Sokół, Gertruda Lipińska

For my non-polish speaking friends - you can still swipe through the pictures.
If you want to support Belarusians’ pro-democratic movement please take part in Photographers Against Oppression's online print sale.

жыве Беларусь!

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Re: Solidarity with Belarus

Message par Viandintox » 11 nov. 2020 10:59

Merci pour cette interview intéressante ! J'ai plutôt tendance à me méfier des traducteurs en ligne. Mais c'est sûr que tout le monde ne parle pas polonais. Le mieux serait de traduire certains articles vers le français. Je ne sais pas si tu parles polonais, ou si y en a d'autres ici qui le parlent (en plus de moi) ?

S'il y a des italophones, sur la situation en Biélorussie, je vous conseille East Journal, illes ont écrit pas mal d'articles, et hier illes ont fait un live vidéo:

Pour revenir sur le polonais, vous pouvez aussi consulter Krytyka polityczna:

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Re: Solidarity with Belarus

Message par meluzine » 11 nov. 2020 12:37

Viandintox a écrit :
11 nov. 2020 10:59
Merci pour cette interview intéressante ! J'ai plutôt tendance à me méfier des traducteurs en ligne. Mais c'est sûr que tout le monde ne parle pas polonais. Le mieux serait de traduire certains articles vers le français. Je ne sais pas si tu parles polonais, ou si y en a d'autres ici qui le parlent (en plus de moi) ?
Bah avec plaiz'
Héhé bah alors Viandintox, tu as loupé des épisodes...
J'ai habité des années en Pologne et je suis liée aux Pays de l'Est en général depuis une quinzaine d'années..
En grattant les archives, tu trouveras surement pas mal de mes posts avec des traductions d'articles ou des news sur la situation des luttes, des squats ou des groupes punk en PL, en Biélorussie et dans l'Est en général.
Dans mon émission j'ai passé plein de groupes de la bas aussi si ça t'intéresse ;)

Pour les traductions, Reverso est vraiment top et très complet pour des recherches de vocabulaire en Polonais mais aussi en anglais.
C'est pour ça que je le conseille.
Je n'ai pas spécialement envie de traduire des articles en ce moment, je balance au compte goutte quand j'ai le temps..
Viandintox a écrit :
11 nov. 2020 10:59
S'il y a des italophones, sur la situation en Biélorussie, je vous conseille East Journal, illes ont écrit pas mal d'articles, et hier illes ont fait un live vidéo:
Pour YT y la possibilité dans sous titres d'activer des traductions automatiques pour presque toutes les langues, c'est plus aléatoire mais ça marche pas mal et pour de l'italien, ça devrait être suffisant..

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Re: Solidarity with Belarus

Message par kolonel muller » 11 nov. 2020 19:25

meluzine a écrit :
11 nov. 2020 12:37
J'ai habité des années en Pologne et je suis liée aux Pays de l'Est en général depuis une quinzaine d'années..
Tu as écrit des trucs sur tes expériences là-bas ? Je suis toujours friand de ce genre de récits ;)
Mon vrai nom c'est FRED :-)

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Re: Solidarity with Belarus

Message par meluzine » 12 nov. 2020 13:15

Sur mes expériences non, j'ai plus traduits et fait tourner des infos ou des trucs dans des zines ou raconté des anecdotes à la radio.
Pour les histoires, y a le bar ou le coin du feu, j'aime bien partager mes expériences avec les gens à la cool :)

On aura bien l'occase de se croiser un de ces quatre !


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